
Sabina van Gils-Tischler (b. 1978) is an autonomous photographer. In her photographs, she searches for a world you would not see without the images.

She places objects, people, animals and landscapes in a new light, creating space between what we know and what we see. The images suggest another world and make the viewer think about what kind of world that might be.

Sometimes she intervenes with filters, pen scratches, paint and other techniques: anything to get even closer to the subject. Sometimes she lets the photo say it all by leaving it unedited.

Sabina’s photos tell stories. Sometimes she draws from her own experiences, other times they form new fairy tales and then they are accompanied by texts. But whether real or made-up, anything can happen in her photos. Like a dream with its own logic.

Sabina van Gils-Tischler graduated with honors from the Fotoacademie in Amsterdam in December 2022.


01 May / 2024

Publication of a selection of colour photographs (eight spreads), Sintel Magazine for Art, Literature and Music

02 January / 2024

Publication in 'De Grote Nederlandse Kunstkalender' 2024

30 June / 2023

Publication fairy tale Bloedbaard (Bloodbeard) with poet Bas Belleman, Sintel Magazine for Art, Literature and Music

14 December / 2022

Publication in PF Magazine for Photography

06 December / 2022

Publication in the Kiekie-krant (Art issue)


03 - 05 May / 2024

To celebrate the publication of the new Sintel - magazine for literature, images and music, Sabina will display her FairyLights.

13 March - 15 May / 2024

Solo-exhibition at café De Engelbewaarder (Amsterdam)

03 March - 12 May / 2024

Group exhibition at Galerie Bloemendaal (online).

06 January - 28 February / 2024

Duo exhibition with visual artist Marleen Dalhuijsen, Jansstraat 33

04 - 05 November / 2023

Group exhibition, Kunstlijn Haarlem (Art Festival Haarlem), Groot Heiligland 47 with artists Marleen Dalhuijsen, Gerard Veldman and Melody Raven.

01 - 05 November / 2023

Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam, represented by Galerie Année

07 October - 12 November / 2023

Groep-exhibition '7 camera's, 7 artists' at Galerie Année, Haarlem

07 October - 5 November / 2023

Group exhibition, The Blue Longing, De Vishal Haarlem.

15 - 16 April / 2023

Photofair and exhibition, Buy my Darlings, NDSM Fuse Amsterdam.

25 March - 14 May / 2023

Group exhibition, De Mens (The Man), Vissershallen IJmuiden

14 - 18 December / 2022

Group exhibition Blik, Loods 6, Amsterdam.

22 November / 2022

Performance Bloedbaard, Koning Kat en andere sprookjes (Bloodbeard, King Cat and other fairy tales) with poet Bas Belleman, Sociëteit Vereeniging, Haarlem.

04 - 06 November / 2022

Group exhibition, Kunstlijn Haarlem (Art Festival Haarlem), Photostudio Burgwal, Haarlem

28 October - 06 November / 2022

Group exhibition Stilte enDuisternis (Silence and Darkness), Sociëteit Vereeniging, Haarlem

22 February - 31 March / 2022

Group exhibition, Burgwal Photographers, Anne & Max, Haarlem.

09 January - 27 February / 2022

Solo-exhibition 'Koning Kat en andere sprookjes' (King Cat and other fairy tales) at Badhuis Haarlem.

21 December / 2021

Screening of fairy tale Lichtmeisje en het paard(Light girl and the horse) with poet Bas Belleman, Yalda, Amsterdam